Ok, so this is fucked up as hell.... Here's my first Scene News Gossip story... YEAH I SAID IT, WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU CALL IT?
Ally's story:
i am no longer friends with kimberly wiggins
she is a fraud
all of you know that i was her roommate and we did everything together
and i helped her through everything
and i knew her better than anyone else
so believe me when i say you all have been lied to
she is NOT sick. in any way shape or form. the only type of sickness she has is in the head.
her pill bottles had no labels
the 'injections' she took (but never let me see her take) are NO WHERE to be found in that apt
she NEVER let me go to the drs with her
someone who has cancer does NOT further injure their body with mass amounts of drugs and alcohol (which MANY of you saw her do..im sorry someone can NOT do that much cocaine and be dying of cancer and STILL be alive right now!)
and she told me not to speak about her 'illness' infront of her parents bc they couldnt cope
there is not one hospital record in that house that says she has cancer!
im sorry i ever defended her and to all of you good people who warned me i should of listened sooner
every single word out of her mouth is a LIE
i am very much upset and livid about this. bc not only did i defend her- i introduced her to many good people and treated her like my own flesh and blood.
i am back to going out solo. no more mini-me's will i be bringing out. this is why i do NOT have girlfriends. you have to be pretty fucking SICK in the head to make this shit up.
take all this information for what its worth. make your own assumptions. but i know many of you have questioned this. and come to me with questions. and if youre hearing this from me im not sure what better source you can get it from.
ive questioned this for a few weeks now and i finally got the answers i needed to prove my theory.
any document she is claiming to get is FALSE and either photoshopped or not her file and switched to say her name.
i created your reputation kim and now im going to do everything in my power to destroy it you sick twisted fuck.
Kim's response:
ny one of you reading this who DOES NOT BELIEVE/DOUBTS what I have, give me your e-mail so I can send you DOCUMENTS.
Already talk to my mother in which are being e-mailed over at approx. 9:30am
Ally's response:
i heard i needed a better title for my bulletins- so you all would open them faster (thanks thomas!)
so its only 10am and ive done a pretty good job of destroying her sick sick life
if you go back and read my first bulletin of the day you can fully understand what im talking about
so far people seemed to be shocked- yet get over it quickly and add "well this just makes way more sense"
if anyone has the number for dan one of the owners of purdy i need his #.
im pretty sure he will want the $1,000 he gave to kim for emergency surgery aka her RENT. yea and he gave it to her in cash. tisk tisk.
i should of listened to duran many many months ago when he told me to stop creating these girls to be like me and making them my prodigys bc one day they would try and take me over. well i create u and ill destroy you.
god who knew payback was so much fun!?
ps i moved outta that crazy apt this morning. back at my parents. they gave me a tank of gas my bed and ihop so far.
and you people keep calling/texting/IMing me. i can only respond so fast! gossip amongst yourself until i post another juicy bulletin
its only 10:30am i have so many more stories for you all!
My take:
Ok, so we all know our other friend, Jorge.... And if you don't, he's the most insanely funny, amazing dude in the world. He went through some shit of his own-- but get this-- HIS WAS REAL! Everyone's seen how he has acted for this past year... Now he's fine, but we all know how weak he was and how closely he had to take care of himself to get better.
And a fashion show? Which made a brilliant story, battling cancer, then coming out with this clothing line, working through the weakness and the pain, to put on this fashion show, which most everyone attended. Wow! I'm not even mad! I'm impressed!
This is, really, an insult to the people that were A. Truly there for Jorge when he was going through his own shit, and B. The people that offered their friendship to Kim. This has been something, especially going through the months with Jorge, that we all have been wondering. How does she pull weekend benders every single week, and survive, let alone with cancer? I feel like we've all kind of wondered this all along but haven't said anything. When you have cancer, you have to take care of your body to the point where even party animal, Mr. Open Bar King himself, Jorge, had to sit on the sidelines for months. Now that the truth is out, I'm surprised at how low someone can go for attention and how disrespectful someone can be to the people that have gone through this shit REALLY, and the people that have to watch their friends suffer. What. The. Fuck.
More to come, perhaps...
Bravo! The theme to this blog entry is definitely Anchorman's Will Ferrel's take on his dog Baxter eating a whole wheel of cheese:
"I'm not even mad! I'm impressed!" I smell an oscar... oh--- or a liar?
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I can feel the maturity radiating off of this.
Yeah, it feels real. like, not fake? like... not lies? Ha! Cool!
It just seems like your wasting your time, thats all.
Harassing people via the internet seems a bit outdated. You should try a more hands on tactic haha
p.s. this really is the best post on here, haha
Wait, wait... Harassing? Are you nuts? This is not harassment, as harassment is intimidation, pressure, or embarrassment. This is a girl that, supposedly, has maliciously and intentionally coerced her way into using a fake life-threatening disease into using people, their money, and their emotions. I'm not saying it was 100% false, as there may have been some truth to what she was claiming, but it was obviously wrong to fake an illness to get whatever it was she wanted.
And this specifically insults me because I have been the friend of someone that was TRULY sick and so I think it's pathetic-- that is, if this is really the truth.
And as far as using the internet, which is "outdated," what are you doing reading my blog if it's so outdated. I can post whatever I want. And if you look back into June/July you'll see a variety of posts, all random, all just to remember moments. But you know what? When something like this happens, why not throw it out to the people that do read this so they can make their own call.
That's it. Judge for yourself. You don't have to agree with me, or anyone else, you have your own decisions to make. And if you don't care, drop it.
Hey assfuck. . .here's an idea why don't you crawl back to the pathetic existence in which you emerged from. . . I never understand the people who read other people's blogs only to say how lame it is it have a blog yet your the douche fag that keeps blogs like this running???????? If you don't think someone faking cancer is worth writing about then go back to watching your "Laguana Beach" marathons. . .
Bahahahahahha! Long distance high 5, Pagina? :-D
Oh and btw, I've already talked to about 6 people that suspected it all along....
hahahahaha jesus. you got us! good one!
wow! shes pretty pathetic!
Sorry for the last two post... I messed up.. HAHAHAHAH..
I just think that it is pretty pathetic to fake an illness just to get attention or the the things you want. Especially with an illness like that hits close to home.
Paige: That shit was funny. 10 points for creativity and usage of words!
i think this is all bullshit and to blog about someone and posty it all over the internet? come on. grow up
thanks jorge!! No one steals your thunder. The cancer thing is so your thing! Fuck her. And we never claimed to be mature in fact I pride myself on being cynical and not giving a shit about what people like u think. I think your missing the whole point. Someone lied about having cancer she's the one that needs to grow up.
instead of she flys it should be SHE LIES
^ ha!!!!!!!!!
hahaha, everyone already knew she was faking it.
she'll die from overdosing on coke before she dies from cancer.
^ yikes..... chilllllllll with that. come on now.
no one steals my thunder... nevvvvverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Now to some important stuff: Is there any open bar events coming up?
Cancer-Jorge, yeah let's get on that... enough with this faux-chemobaby-wannabe crap.... let's DRINK!!!
ummmmm HELLO anonymous fag #1. 1st off, dont read this blog if you have stupid shit like that to say. just from your comment i can tell your ugly and fat. seriously, you obviously dont understand what this twisted fucktard of a girl did to people. maybe you are also suffering of illness lying you weirdo. go to school and lookup the word OUTDATED. its 2008, pretty sure technology, ie, internet, ie blogging is completing IN THE NOW. you are dumb. go be friends with kim fatty.
what a dumb fuck this girl is. this story needs to be on the news, or oprah or somethinggg.
jorge (real cancer survivor)
that right there just made my day
wheres open bar!?
no you fucking reTARD we've never hung out with her or have done drugs with her. she was never cool enough. END OF STORY. go away.
Wrong you are. We are bashing the fact that she tried to pull of having cancer while doing copious amounts of drugs. . .I have no issue with drug use. . . just LIERS.
So. NONE of you have ever done drugs with her? NOT one of you writing on here? Right.
What are you trying to prove? You don't get the fucking point. . . NO ONE DOES THAT MANY DRUGS WHEN THEY HAVE CANCER!!!! Well done detective I don't think its a mystery everyone does drugs. . .congratulations you've proven the obvious. Please refrain from writing anymore ignorant statements. . . cool thanks.
that's fine and like i said im not DEFENDING her, im stating everyone bring drugs into the mix, and you ALL do it. thats what im saying.
Have any of you gone to the source or is it bash time?
drugs and cancer dont tie in at all. none of you are doctors. try using google and see what happens if you do blow while you have cancer. fuck that. i did it for you.
Blow as a treatment for cancer?
Did you seriously.... just take the time.... to fucking research how cocaine can really HELP cancer? Are you handi-tarded? Seriously... I don't know who you are but you must be the biggest fucking cokehead in the world to have convinced yourself that blowing lines can actually help someone that has cancer.
Jorge, what do you have to say about this? :)
I'm no doctor but I do have a biology degree and common sense and I researched cancer at the University of Miami Medical school for a year sooooooooooooooo I don't mean to toot my own horn buttttttttttt TOOT TOOT!!! Since you seem to have so much time on your hands why don't you drive yourself to the cancer patient wing of the hospital and ask an actual cancer patient if their doctor recommends doing coke every night and drinking their body weight in vodka. I think NOT!
I'm no doctor but I do have a biology degree and common sense and I researched cancer at the university of Miami medical school sooooooooooooo not to toot my own horn buttttttt TOOT TOOT!!!!!! Since you have so much time on your hands why dont you drive yourself to the cancer patient wing of the hospital and ask people with cancer if their doctor recommends doing coke every night and drinking their body weight in vodka. I think NOT!
Can you all read?
I never once said what she was doing was right, and that it was AWESOME for her to do blow. Im simply stating your all throwing out her coke use yet you do it. and thats bullshit.
And im really sure she did coke every night of every week.
anonymous, do you not get it? we dont care that she does blow you fucking moron. re-read the posts. dumbass. we are saying SHE HAS CANCER, she shouldnt be doing coke.
you are dumb
whats going on wit the drama?????????????????
I eat bicthes for brunch.
Finally, I squeezed this site out of my daughter!
We want to ruin reps? Why don't we all find out the real story now? It's on.
Hey FATASS, why dont you slice up them wrist of yours some more. Maybe next time it might actually put you out of this "perfect" feeloading life you live.
Fuck You,
Kimberlys father.
I will keep adding my two cents, just because the things you did to my family.
Are we all speechless at the fact family is involved? We're all done bashing my daughter with "fake" news this nutcase posted?
Your right my daughter did coke, My wife and I are aware, so please try and hit us with that, please.
You all are hell bent on ruining my daughters rep? You have no fucking idea what you just got yourself into.
Pagina, Lexi, actually enjoyed reading your blog.
I'm impressed. Bravo, good story. Nothing makes you cooler than cancer AND doing blow.
...also with her parents' suggestion of suicide, That is so pyscho parent 2006 BFB style.
Everyone left the comments alone, so maybe there's a lawsuit pending.. so I'll get the fuck out of here before I slit my fat ass wrists.
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