Monday, March 2, 2009

Alexi /= Media Planner

Fuck math. FUCK MATH! I've managed to get through college (almost) taking just ONE math course my freshman year. It's not that I'm bad at math, but I just really hate it. I've never liked it since I started learning fractions and decimals. Yeah, it didn't take long.
My advertising and spanish majors have managed to force me into classes that really center around writing. Except for this one class. Media Planning. I took this course, CAD388, my junior year, and got an acceptable C-. Whatever, it works for me. But apparently not for the School of Communication, which only counts a course if your grade is a C or better. Oops.
So here I am, 2nd semester senior year, re-taking this STUPID class that makes me want to pull my hair out. Reach, frequency, ratings, distribution, CPM, CRP, CPRP, Ad Cost, f%, f+%??!?!?! WHAT. THE. FUCK. I just got my first exam back... I got a 70%. C-. FUCK!!!!! If this class holds me back from graduating in 2 months.... !@$#^#$*%^(>V?C

1 comment:

Jenny Auguste said...

that's why i keep phil and karl around so they can do all my motherfucking counting!