Friday, December 26, 2008


Went to Lauderdale last night to the classy-ass beach strip and after getting harassed by a man selling a wooden horse, a characature artist, and being successfully booted from a pool hall, it was time to make the trek back to Miami. Finally met CAMBRIA and hung out with Paige and Tiffany, one of which is the culprit of a few bruises I found this morning in embarrassing places.... TIFFANY.
So apparently the bouncer kicked me out, just as I was about to leave, and FOR ONCE I really didn't do anything wrong! Ironic as hell. The one time I don't do something completely inappropriate I get booted from an EMPTY pool hall? Hahahaha What about the creepy old man hitting on teenage girls? That's acceptable? Whatevs, Dont. Care.

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