Sunday, June 8, 2008

Daily Douche Fag!

As a request by a loyal BFB reader, Miss Sonia McShaderson, here is the daily douche fag.

I was doing a promotional event handing out 20% off coupons to the Penguin clothing store on Lincoln road on Miami Beach, and came across this douche fag with her fucking retarded dog. Honestly, who the fuck puts goggles on their dog? And even if she didn't have that hideous creature with her, I'd still call her the daily douche fag cause she probably didn't say one word to us, and posed for pictures as if she's some sort of hot shit.

Little did she know, her and her douchey dog are on a blog dedicated to making fun of fucktards like her.

Check her out! Isn't she FANCY? And her dog is SO fabulous too.... WHAT A DOUCHE FAG!!!!!!! By the way, Miss McShaderson is on the left, with a sub-par evil smile, knowing we are going to walk away and talk shit about her for the remainder of the day.



Sidenote: I'm all about loving your dog. I think it's great to have a love for another living creature that depends on you and that truly loves you the way you'd love another human being. But let's get real here.... She must think this is a game.

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