Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On a Serious Note!

You know, this internship was pretty rad, here at Alma DDB and it's my second to last day so I just sent in my time sheet and my fabulously eloquent, grammar-error-free 5 page report to my department head. I really started out here clueless about how the shit I am studying in school works in the real world. Who woulda thought an unpaid internship for a mega-ad agency would teach me so much.

Honestly, this is what I have believed my whole academic life. Learning in the classroom can only get you so far. It's only half of the equation to success. UMiami's education is great. But I have such a better understanding of what I'm getting myself into now that I've seen the way it really works.

Don't get me wrong about academic environments. Besides the fact that libraries and old professors make me feel uncomfortable, unlike my closet science-nerd Pagina, I have learned a lot at UM and I'm sure she'd say the same. Really. I have: Like how to get test-extensions when you have no excuse, how to charm your professors into actually liking you as a person not by the identification number & GPA. And most importantly? How I learn best. In the morning, over-caffeinated, sitting in the back row, with one headphone in listening to music, and the other listening to the prof taking notes on my superdope mac.

But what it really boils down to is the contacts you make and how proactive you are in getting something out of opportunities like this, and what I am going to be doing in the summer in NY.

And so, Academic base + Real world experience = the world at my fingertips. Eat your heart out, lazy hipsters.

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