Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Death of Me...

If I tried make a list of things that I despise about Miami, this would definitely be NUMBER ONE. What the fuck is up with the City of Miami that they need to put METERED PARKING everywhere in this city? For those of you who have never lived here, when I say everywhere, I mean to go to the grocery store, pharmacy, visit a friends apartment, or running in to grab starbucks, ya gotta have coins and if you don't they'll screw you over before you can get your fat ass out of Dunkin Donuts.

If you think you're one of those slick people that can just leave the car and not get ticketed, 'cause you'll "only be, like, 5 minutes," you're probably wrong here in this lovely tourist trap I call my home. In the year of 2008, as it says on, which might as well be in my bookmarks at this point, I have had a total of 16 parking tickets at $18 each. Do you know how many more Happy Meals @ Purdy or 6 packs of Miller High Life I could have gotten with that money? (I know, I'm a classy bitch.)

And for those of you that are wondering about public transportation as an option, I'll just say I'd rather not hang out on the metro rail with creepy Paco and serial killer Jerome. Yeah, I said it.

Here's the bitch ticketing my weekend whip:

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