Friday, June 27, 2008

My Friends Are Dumb

So it's my second day in New York and I've already done more than I've expected. Got a job, skated a few miles, probably hit 10 bars, seen a show, played candy land at a bar, connect four and skee ball, ate a veggie hotdog with the purchase of a $3 Stella, seen my best friend almost get worked in a mosh pit, got a tattoo, and contracted aids from the subway poles.

So fucking great.

Anyways, I wanted to let the world know how fucking retarded my friends are. I am sitting on the couch talking to Jake in iChat, when out of nowhere, I get an IM from him telling me that he likes me black and brown t-shirt...

Not on video chat....

How in the blue hell does he know I'm wearing a brown and black shirt? What the FUCK. 5 mins of freaking out continues. I convinced myself that Jake indeed is a creepster or just telepathic... then it hits me. Fucking Paige is on iChat as well telling Jake to tell me he likes my *detailed description* t-shirt. Hey Friends:


Jenny Auguste said...

wtf did you get permanently imprinted on your body?
& fuck you for not having my blog be on your bookmarks.

p.s. i like youe brown & black shirt

Jenny Auguste said...

wtf did you get permanently imprinted on your body?
& fuck you for not having my blog be on your bookmarks.

p.s. i like youe brown & black shirt