Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Harry, My Pet Spider

Alright. Everyone that knows me knows I'm pretty random... And this is going to take the cake for sure. But I have to let you all know the story about my pet spider named Harry. I am quite an animal lover, except for snakes, so they should all die a slow painful death... but spiders don't really bother me, so I'd like to share this story.

One drunken night, I came home, popped the screen out of my bathroom window and feasted on a nice Parliament Light. I was in one of those FUBAR states to the point where I ended up noticing a little spider that made a tiny little web right on my windowsill, and I thought he was cool so I named him Harry.

Every time I go to my "smoking window," I check up on the little dude. Well, I have to tell you, since I went away to New York, this motherfucker has built the most intricate, complex fortress of a web I have ever seen in my life. A few of my buddies can vouch for me that I have watched this guy go from having a studio apartment to a fucking oceanside mega-mansion. Pretty soon I am going to be paying my little arachnid neighbor rent, as he is pretty much taking over my smoking window.

If I had a camera that could shoot the complexity of this web, I would surely snap a pic and put it up here, but for now, just imagine it yourself. I'm talking super-duper-Malibu Barbie mansion that you got for christmas when you were 7. But spider style. This guy is fucking badass. Here's to you, Harry. Cheers.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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Lex said...

then dont read it.... aren't you supposed to be mybest friend? and just cause you're scared of spiders you dont ahve to take it out on me.