Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Forget Laguna Beach!

This is fucking MIAMI BEACH!!!! The drama levels are a Catagory 5 and rising!

Reporting live, from my uneventful work desk, we now have a new bulletin posted by Miss. Awesome Ally herself. The drama is not slowing down anytime soon!

Yikes! Something about death threats and being "hung wet and beaten," (which is my personal favorite part, because I have no fucking idea what that means.) Somehow someone must have hacked into "She Lies," facebook account and gotten a hold of a conversation involving shit talking Miami people, plotting a hitman to *gaspppp* kill Ally, and some other bullshit about selling her soul to get even.

I'm sorry to say it but the only thing that there is to get even with would be stealing Jorge's Cancer Thunder, missy! But at least if, hypothetically, she were to sell her soul like she says she would, it would be an uncancerous, benign soul!

Oh shat, here come to comments, let the games begin...

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