Saturday, August 30, 2008

High School Football Game

We parked the car, my mom and I, walked up to the brand new football field that was recently created, shortly after I left the school. I saw so many former coaches, friends, and meaningful people in my life. I got so emotional. That's why I haven't been back to visit them. Sports, volleyball, basketball, softball, were my life and these people saw it all.

Not many people know how much I lived and breathed those moments of triumph, loss, sweat, tears, and heart.

--"The killer in me is the killer in you." --

But after seeing Colin, the baby boy that meant so much to my best friend, then a 30-some year old man, everything came back to me, with this new set of shades I wear. Everything look different. And I'm ready.

The smell of salt and sunscreen is all I can think about. And how fucking awesome daddy's chardonnay is.

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